Monday, April 25, 2016

some new pics

I know I haven't had much to say lately, I'm kinda in a dark place right now nothing seems to be going right and I lost the light in the tunnel. BUT I had my grandson this weekend and although the terrible twos are certainly there, he's still a joy. Head on over to the site to look through it, order a sign, hire me for cad or design ;) or pass it on
Enjoy the pics.

Monday, April 18, 2016

feeling a bit defeated

 Where are my clients? They must be out must be out there. I'm not doing well at the hide and seek. I have several charcoals that would go great with decor in your home, acrylics...hand painted and drawn direct from artist. I am a senior draftsman, 14 years - would like to get out of the office with my landscape art, murals, sign work. I know there must be work out there. I charge to create beauty what others do to come paint off white plain bland.... Where are you my clients?? http:/ - I'm getting wore out, wore down, need out of the negative environment I'm in everyday. I am good at creating...let me help you out

Friday, April 15, 2016

put something new in your landscape this year

Add some design work or if your local to Michigan patio pavers hand painted and lacquered to stay outside year round to make your garden/ landscape/ patio/ pool uniquely your own this year. We are busy busy getting stuff around for our heirloom garden but have time to do hand painted sign work still :-) head over to and check out other examples and the farm page.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

happy hump day, it's finally warming up...think green...think gardens!!

The plants are teeny....but we know they'll become this again, the hope those tiny plants bring, of new life of a summer filled with FRESH produce, healthy food. We are trying to bring this more and more to our community, any help you can give up getting the equipment we need since the gov't won't let us have our return to do so it greatly appreciated.
Signs, stones, landscape design, hand painted work all available just drop me a line and do away with corporate America big biz running off a China factory local and small. Visual art available also.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

they took our return, need to raise money for hay equipment

We filed injured spouse to get half our taxes back and at least mostly pay for the hay equipment we NEED to cut, rake and bale the field to feed everyone through the year. Our return was going to give us 3/4 of what we need for the used equipment, nothing new just good enough to get the job done. They said we didn't make enough money on the farm to get that half back through injured spouse...BUT..we still need the equipment. We both work full time but that goes to mortgage, insurance, insurance, insurance...$910 a month to that alone because your required to keep insurance on $1500 vehicles...required to keep health insurance on everyone in the home in a world where employers no longer include it as a benefit, animal feed, utilities the list goes on. We get those paid through jobs neither of us likes or wants, but haven't found another way to pay for the farm to just grow the heirloom produce, do the art work and raise animals like we both would like. I pondered many fund raising options, have tried gofundme before for the farm with no luck, have tried different things, thought about the goat milk soap, by the time you make it, labels, envelopes and shipping it kills the profit which is what we need to get the equipment. Thought about bumper stickers but no one uses them anymore, and they aren't really economical to print unless you had a ton of orders first. Which has left me to art prints offered for you donations wallet size for $3, 3x5 for $5 4x6 for $7 and 5x7 for $10, if there is a particular piece you've seen of mine you want let me know otherwise I'll send a signed print of one to the USA address you provide with the donation. Email me to get an address to send it and share with anyone that you believe would help a small time farm in need.

Monday, April 11, 2016

spring, spring where art thou o spring...

Had some time to do a little painting this weekend on stones for the upcoming Pool School, dug a ton of lilacs to transplant to the new house....and then yup, snow and freezing rain :/ Didn't get those or the Iris's transplanted yesterday, husband don't work today so hopefully he can get them in the ground. Still very much trying to work my way out of an office be it into a landscape design job that is part office, part field, or preferred a mass flood of customers wanting hand painted sign work, freelance design work, goat milk soap, hand made lotions and body butters and art for the walls...pass along this blog and the site please please...thank you thank you

Thursday, April 7, 2016

support healthy Non-GMO heirloom produce farm while enjoying something pretty

Sales of things like this....will help me out of the office click politics lifestyle I DON'T fit into...and help me stay home and build our heirloom farm with the goats, chickens, bunnies and cows. I do design work, logo work, hand painted sign work, art both visual and mixed media, started using sketch up, open to other programs - 14 year senior draftsman with AutoCad looking to work from my home office along with doing the art work.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

non-gmo heirloom produce, signs, art and landscape decor and design

Playing with sketch up, they won't teach ME here at work but offered to train the guys....I think I'm doing rather well on my own though. Getting the hang of it - This is the front half of the farm...that I'm looking to stay home at full time. Sign work, art, lotions, soaps, landscape stones, patio design work available, drop me a line at and lets come up with something cool!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Get rid of the chemicals in your lotion and soap...and support local all in one!!

Made up 2 baskets, more to come if there is a is a whipped creamy body butter, none of the crap the stores put in here, just coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter and olive oil here, goes on smooth soaks in oh so nice. Combined with goat milk soap both soft and hard in a basket ready to ship off to your home or individual products can be bought. Hand painted name signs for cabin, camper, home or office, your choice of colors and lettering style, add a bird, frog, horse, dog, cat, flowers, etc and make it personal :-) Larger signs also available for your business or I can come out if your local and repaint an existing one. Know someone that could use their sign spruced up? share the site Looking to make a unique patio this summer? I do landscape pavers hand painted and lacquered to stay out year round that would make your patio one of a kind!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

got a few landscape stones done for spring

 Got a few of the landscape stones done this weekend, plus a goat milk soap and handmade body butter basket together. I'm selling the baskets for $22.50 I believe including shipping within USA after looking on usps site- they will contain one soft goat milk soap, 2 little hard goat milk soaps and a hand made coconut oil,cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil body butter in a little basket. The landscape stones are $20 pick up price, kinda heavy to ship though I can do wood pieces you can put in your garden as well. Drop me a line to discuss a project.

Friday, April 1, 2016

direct from artist, gifts and more

I still think these are just awesome whether you want them for beach, market, school or just a general bag. They can be purchased at -
Looking for a one of a kind sign, name sign, stone for your landscape, a patio like none of your friends or neighbors? Drop me a line, I can do that - logo work as well.
ohhhh I just found some sketch up tutorials since they will only teach it to the "guys" at work to go through while they gone next week and learn, learn and be able to do some cool stuff :)