Monday, June 6, 2016

new CAD job, still looking for

Still would love did I mention LOVE to replace the engineering autocad work with just the farm and art.. but at least I'm now in a professional office with professional acting people. That will help immensely however getting up at 5am to drive the hour each way commute...on top of milking goats, feeding critters doing a 2 1/2 acre garden and 2 markets, being in 3- 4h clubs and sitting on the church board along with the cemetery gonna take it's toll.
If you know anyone interested in the old fashioned - hand painted - from an artist work....instead of a vinyl print off a computer...send em over to - if you know a way to get the farm paid off so we can end our 40 hour outside the farm jobs...send that on over too, there is a contact page on the site. We'd love to build the heirloom non-GMO farm up and just work it to bring you the best produce we can :-)

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