Monday, January 30, 2017

coffee for cows fundraiser ideas

#1 my career discourages breaks and lunches
#2 encourages overtime
#3 has no retirement, no pension
#4 causes me pain everyday and makes it so I can't do the things I enjoy.

I found my calling, it's cows...and goats.. and fresh heirloom produce and farm markets. I can do those things, ok I can do those things if I'm not in constant pain from being on a computer 10 hours a day making the tendons in my shoulders and my carpal tunnel so inflamed that I can't pick things up, can't carry what I need to, can't draw, can't paint. You get the jest. I thought of coffee for cows because it's something millions spend money on, waste money on. Just a fraction of that would get me to the work I'm meant for and out of the work I'm not meant for but have to do to pay the bills. I still have hope for that, that somehow some way I can reach enough people with compassion that would send $2,3 5 to end the office life and get me to raising beef and food.

This morning on my way in I thought, everyone loves chocolate covered coffee beans. What if I made some and used that as the fund raiser. Offered them up in small packages as an incentive to give to the cause of paying off the farm so we can end being gone all day and just focus on the farm. Would it work. I sure hope so, I hurt...every day. I can't close my hands, can't pick things up without dropping them. Can't lift the hay bales to feed the cows, can't lift the pails of grain or water. And I'm strong enough... it comes to not working those tendons injured day after day drafting.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

caught up for a brief moment, good food, art work and good food

Focus, focus - #1 goal - find a way get farm paid off and be able to stay and WORK there instead of office work.

We don't want to sit and watch tv, we don't want others to pay our way. We just can't quit our jobs until the farm is paid off, at least the land and house. We are building up, have goats, calves, rabbits, chickens but need meat buyers.

Working on getting up a greenhouse to at least start plants earlier and have them looking good for first markets. But need time, when ya leave at 5:45am and get back at 6pm there isn't much time.... or energy ... to get stuff done that needs to be. So again I say COFFEE FOR COWS :)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

11 hours a day...part time??

For some reason 11 hour days on the farm aren't like 11 hour days in engineering. Being outside and doing a variety of things just is a different ball game than 11 hours at a computer screen with florescent lights flickering overhead. Being able to sit down and take a break without someone looking at you like SLACKER... slacker?? I worked a factory once, we got 10 minute breaks every 2 hours. Those are no where to be found in engineering. Good luck going to...who?? about breaks. Well you get to get up whenever you want. Yeah, right LMBO. Goal #1 find a way to pay off the land and just farm, grow our heirloom produce, raise beef, chickens, goats, pigs, rabbits. Got to be a way, Probably the number of commuters in one city donating one cup of coffee's worth of money would pay off the land. I'm a math person, I've done the figures. How can I get those donations to be sent? There has to be a way to reach people, there are millions on here and twitter both everyday.

Monday, January 16, 2017

white collar, blue collar. breaks and smoking and overtime

Was pondering this on my way in,

#1 why is it white collar can only get breaks if they smoke? You don't have to smoke blue collar. I work 10 hour days, no breaks, no lunch, in fact in the 15 years I've worked engineering it is EXPECTED for you to work through breaks if you don't smoke. It's EXPECTED for you to work any part of lunch your in the building without billing for it. When I worked the Chrysler line we got a break every 2 hours, whether it was an 8, 10 or 12 hour shift, every 2 hours. If you walk away from your desk your just lazy, looking to get out of work. I smoked at one job JUST to get breaks. I think many do.

#2 overtime, we discussed in my interview I have my own business that I need to run. It's not a hobby, it's not something can be done "some other time" they are animals, it's a farm.. it's our goal to just do that as soon as we can figure a way for it to pay for itself or get finding somehow to pay off the land. I can't feed 90 animals.... some other time. I can't milk goats, some other time.

Back to the quest of paying off the farm to stay there, I've come up with some really good facts and ideas but can't seem to get people to donate that couch/ car change or what they'd spend on coffee for one week, but gotta keep trying. Can't do many more years of this white collar work.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

coffee for cows

I'm not sure when I'll get it written up on the website but I'm going to do a self promotion, not through the raise funds sites that take their cut donation drive to try and get the land paid off and get a barn up for cows (we have room for a few but no where near barn space to finish out 2 a month for beef 1/4's).

coffee for cows - 
send through paypal or cash to the farm (contact through twitter ( $1-$5 would be awesome, match what you would pay for that cup of coffee you stop for is all I'm asking cause in reality and mathmatically that could raise enough to pay off the land totally and get me out of the world of engineering...

pass on this blog.. with all you know to help get the donation drive out there. We grow 2 1/2 acres of fresh produce on this land and not having to work 40 hours outside of working it would make a world of difference in our garden/ farm markets and getting good food to people local grown.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

new job less time to post

I think I got sent here to keep me busy while I look for a way to pay off farm and stay there working the land and animals. That is still the goal, if anyone wants to help drop on over, I only need 100,000 people to send me their coffee money for the day LMBO.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year, eat well in 2017

We plug away at our goals of making the farm our income...or finding about 100,000 people that want to give their coffee money for the week so we can get it paid off and be able to actually STAY HOME and work it instead of working it outside of work.

Art work, good non-gmo heirloom produce, eggs, beef, goat milk soap and hand made lotions located in mid-Michigan.