#2 encourages overtime
#3 has no retirement, no pension
#4 causes me pain everyday and makes it so I can't do the things I enjoy.
I found my calling, it's cows...and goats.. and fresh heirloom produce and farm markets. I can do those things, ok I can do those things if I'm not in constant pain from being on a computer 10 hours a day making the tendons in my shoulders and my carpal tunnel so inflamed that I can't pick things up, can't carry what I need to, can't draw, can't paint. You get the jest. I thought of coffee for cows because it's something millions spend money on, waste money on. Just a fraction of that would get me to the work I'm meant for and out of the work I'm not meant for but have to do to pay the bills. I still have hope for that, that somehow some way I can reach enough people with compassion that would send $2,3 5 to end the office life and get me to raising beef and food.
This morning on my way in I thought, everyone loves chocolate covered coffee beans. What if I made some and used that as the fund raiser. Offered them up in small packages as an incentive to give to the cause of paying off the farm so we can end being gone all day and just focus on the farm. Would it work. I sure hope so, I hurt...every day. I can't close my hands, can't pick things up without dropping them. Can't lift the hay bales to feed the cows, can't lift the pails of grain or water. And I'm strong enough... it comes to not working those tendons injured day after day drafting.