Monday, March 6, 2017

gluten free...

Ya know what I read this weekend... I can't put gluten free on my baked goods at market. Why, do they contain wheat, no. why... because I don't have a licensed, inspected kitchen only used to make gluten free products. Of course I don't, I am doing a few loaves of bread, a cake or two, some rolls. Can't sell goat milk, no licensed parlor. Can't sell goat cheese, have to build a separate kitchen only used to make cheese. really. I mean come on people. How is a small gardener/farmer to sell good food and products to people that are local. Some things fall under cottage law yes, but I can't make something gluten free and sell it as such because I used the same kitchen I use to make supper. Really, how may people have 3 or 4 licensed kitchens in their home anyway eh.
Still looking for the answer to leave the cubicle life.

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