How many? Cause right now I'm working in an office, an office that sends out emails to update people on work.... Easter Sunday. That will call you on vacation and expect you to do work, cause it's important. What about good food is that important as well. Is it more important than me sitting at this computer desk 10 hours a day with no breaks, no lunch? Is it more important than putting overtime in on a project they are going to either cancel, revise or put on hold next week?
What about supporting an artist as well as a farmer? Do you like to see art work hung up on the walls, does a pretty painting make you take a moment to look? Does knowing the artist can't hold a pencil for long, or anything else for that matter because so many hours are spent on a mouse and keyboard.....
Things that I'm pondering while sitting at my desk today, been a long time since I posted, still think there are enough people out there that would say yes to those questions that I could somehow get out of here, find a way to make the money needed to pay off the land and be able to just work it.

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