Thursday, July 28, 2016

farm and garden and produce and gifts and art work

Stop on over and look around I bet I have something for your car, yard, wall, pet....

or I can make you something. Think of the millions....ok billions that are spent around this country alone every single day. All I'm asking is enough orders to pay my bills...without having to fight traffice for an hour to sit in a cubicle for 10 hours to fight traffic for another hour. I'm sure you can find something cute as a gift for someone you know...or for yourself :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

our newest calves

Meet Tiny n Dan, two more reasons to help me get back home to the critters and art work and garden
Need to get away from this everyday morning and night...
And back to this, where I belong - help me get there with orders, website shares, blog follows and donations if your so inclined to forgo a cup of coffee this week to help an artist come back to their talents and away from the cube.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

fresh food is best not shipped

Our quest is to bring our community FRESH food, not wholesale retail, not shipped from across the globe, not sprayed non stop with chemicals...but fresh. Fresh vegetables picked the night before. Fresh eggs washed and brought to market that morning. Beef that is fed right not crammed in lots. Soap that is made from a family pet that follows you around the yard talking up a storm.
Art work direct from an artist, hand painted not printed off in mass and sold in corporate stores.
We need your help to do these things. I can't afford to pay myself 50 cents an hour so it's gonna be a little more than running to Walmart. BUT - you are helping a person, a real person, not lining a CEO's pocket. Helping build a farm. Helping an artist out of a cube and beige walls to be able to create and still be able to pay the bills.

Monday, July 25, 2016

anyone else sick of the news??

Seriously this world is getting worse. I guess the time of the remnant is amongst us. Fought my way into work to sit at the computer, husband hurt his shoulder so can't work construction..and being what it is means no workmans comp, paychecks, etc. We will make it but I'm still on the hunt for a way to pay off the farm and For both of us, not me gone at an office desk all day and him trying to find some way to earn income, just get what needs done to make the farm work at home...together. Help us out by sharing the site - thanks

Thursday, July 21, 2016

fair almost done

Farm markets tmw and Saturday, sooo tired and needing more than 5 hours of sleep a night
need a sign? drop me a line - always hand painted direct from artist - lets discuss what you need done
charcoals available both original and some prints, email me

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I think if I figure out a way to get to enough people...
 My art work shown on the website may convince people seeing what is on there...that my work is worth giving up that candy bar today. Because really, honestly, mathematically ....just the number of people in one group on here donating the cost of a candy bar or cup of cheap coffee. Or buying that much in product.... would work me out of the sit down office job.
 And into growing good food, drawing new charcoals, painting new paintings... maybe figure out a way or a  place to display the art where people could see and purchase it. The site and blog need shared for it to work though. Thanks a bunch.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

desk job and belly fat

First off fair is half over, just barn duties and auctions to go...

Second as I sit here on my job today not liking the fat that has acquired around my belly wondering how on earth do I lose it? I sit obviously 12-13 hours a day. Because of my job, I tend to snack, although not unhealthily... those calories don't get burned... I read exercise an hour or two a day. I work on average 17 hours a day in between the j.o.b. and the farm/garden. There is no where to cut to add aerobics, I already very seldom get 8 hours of sleep, most generally 6-7 is as good as it gets. Yes we are still working on the goal of trying to just work for ourselves but still no real business or donations or grants to pay off the farm and do so... Just a :/ :/ :/ I guess
If I had a solution I would share it I would I would... I eat healthy, we grow our own food, I've looked for online incomes to replace the sitting job... pondering what I can do. If I figure it out I'll share.
next little random fact I learned today. Google+ has about 23 million posts what did it say a day or a month. Either which way if your reading this share the blog..and the site. Do you realize what a minute order even a small percentage would have to make to work me off the job and into art full time? Teeny orders or donations that would equal less that you lost down the side of the seat in the car last week by each if shared enough would pay off the farm and let us work it, do art, grow GOOD food.

desk job and belly fat

First off fair is half over, just barn duties and auctions to go...

Second as I sit here on my job today not liking the fat that has acquired around my belly wondering how on earth do I lose it? I sit obviously 12-13 hours a day. Because of my job, I tend to snack, although not unhealthily... those calories don't get burned... I read exercise an hour or two a day. I work on average 17 hours a day in between the j.o.b. and the farm/garden. There is no where to cut to add aerobics, I already very seldom get 8 hours of sleep, most generally 6-7 is as good as it gets. Yes we are still working on the goal of trying to just work for ourselves but still no real business or donations or grants to pay off the farm and do so... Just a :/ :/ :/ I guess
If I had a solution I would share it I would I would... I eat healthy, we grow our own food, I've looked for online incomes to replace the sitting job... pondering what I can do. If I figure it out I'll share.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

good morning all #farmersmarket tomorrow, new batch of #goatmilksoap

Will be to busy tomorrow to post with fair and market both, some pickles, maybe a few peppers and herbs, "green" although not all of ours are.. beans, goat milk soap, hand painted pavers and ??? come on down and see us if your near Carson City Michigan
of course the goal is and will be to find a way to pay of the farm so we have TIME to farm and do it right, give the garden the time it deserves... not be milking the goat at 9pm and 4:30 am and grow the heirloom produce business getting people (and we are contemplating restaurants too) fresh non GMO chemical free grown produce, help us by ordering from us or dropping by the markets Friday and Saturday or visiting 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

making a living out of the office

Running numbers this morning HAVE to...have to figure a way to get the farm paid off so I'm not doing 17 hour days. Goes back to asking for grants from individuals...people here?? Art sales...true art, the charcoals at retail price may do it. donations even small from as many people as get on here a day would pay it off. Our goal is to be self sufficient and produce GOOD food... without chemicals...not genetically modified... GOOD beef.... GOOD eggs from chickens not crammed in teeny cages. But we need, need to not have to be gone 12-14 hours a day at work...and then do the farm. We need grants somewhere or donations to get us out of the j.o.b.s.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

how many people visit google + a day?

I just can't help but thinking the sheer number of  people it says are one here... donating less than the cost of a candy bar....would pay off my house and let me stay home, create, draw, paint and work the garden instead of being gone 13-14 hours a day working in an office :/

Just the Tuesday morning thought as I face the 10 hour office shift.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

updates from the artist and gardener

The battle for water continues...BUT we picked our first pepper last night. We've gotten fresh peas, greens, potatoes...the battle for broccoli continues with the deer...and it's getting personal now, they keep eating it before we can get it picked!! Still on our quest to replace the jobs, this place has a good work ethic and treats employees good...but the getting up to milk at 4:30am to be in vehicle by 5:30 to drive the hour to work, work the straight 10+ hours no breaks or lunch (so I can make the farm markets but 6:45am til 5:15 pm most days) to drive home (another hour) to 4H meetings, next weeks fair, tearing down that barn still as we can, chores leaves us eating dinner at 9pm usually and bed at be up at 4:30 and start all over :/ :/ gets to be way to long of days!! Know any grants, real ones not buy the book and don't qualify cause we aren't non profit? I still say it would take such a minute amount of the google + users to donate a buck or two and the farm would be paid off letting us work it like we should.
Art - Signs- homemade Goat Milk Soap available -