Monday, April 17, 2017

would you support a small farm?

How many would say yeah that's worth $5 to me. Those people wanting to work the land and grow food are worth helping, worth supporting. The fact they grow non-GMO and don't give antibiotics to their animals is worth a donation.

How many? Cause right now I'm working in an office, an office that sends out emails to update people on work.... Easter Sunday. That will call you on vacation and expect you to do work, cause it's important. What about good food is that important as well. Is it more important than me sitting at this computer desk 10 hours a day with no breaks, no lunch? Is it more important than putting overtime in on a project they are going to either cancel, revise or put on hold next week?

What about supporting an artist as well as a farmer? Do you like to see art work hung up on the walls, does a pretty painting make you take a moment to look? Does knowing the artist can't hold a pencil for long, or anything else for that matter because so many hours are spent on a mouse and keyboard.....

Things that I'm pondering while sitting at my desk today, been a long time since I posted, still think there are enough people out there that would say yes to those questions that I could somehow get out of here, find a way to make the money needed to pay off the land and be able to just work it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

yes I need to change jobs, but how, what can replace that incom

I work 10 - 11 hour days in front of computer screens under florescent lights neck craned up. It is effecting my health. Just do something else, ok I'm not replacing an income to buy shoes and purses. I pay the mortgage, the car insurance, health insurance, house insurance, car payment (which isn't much is a 2003) I buy the food.

No I can't get up and walk around 5-10 minutes an hour...throughout the day, the once or twice to make tea people notice your wasting time.

No I don't get breaks, ever, it don't happen in this field.

No I don't get a lunch break to go work out and get active.

No I can't do yoga in my cube.

I am a robot, I work steady 10 STRAIGHT hours, on a computer, in a bad chair providing my own keyboard tray. It's my field, and YES it's horrible on the body. My legs feel heavy I'm often numb, tingling in arms shoulders it wears over into the hours I'm not sitting in this chair. I try I do to sit correctly but it's hard to keep conscience of that while we need this done done done done.

What I need is an income from my talents, a REAL income, one that can pay for the same things this one does without the constraints of being chained to a desk hour after endless hour. I've tried to find something else, I keep trying.

Monday, March 6, 2017

gluten free...

Ya know what I read this weekend... I can't put gluten free on my baked goods at market. Why, do they contain wheat, no. why... because I don't have a licensed, inspected kitchen only used to make gluten free products. Of course I don't, I am doing a few loaves of bread, a cake or two, some rolls. Can't sell goat milk, no licensed parlor. Can't sell goat cheese, have to build a separate kitchen only used to make cheese. really. I mean come on people. How is a small gardener/farmer to sell good food and products to people that are local. Some things fall under cottage law yes, but I can't make something gluten free and sell it as such because I used the same kitchen I use to make supper. Really, how may people have 3 or 4 licensed kitchens in their home anyway eh.
Still looking for the answer to leave the cubicle life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

gluten free home baked goodies

I'm going to add for market this year gluten free cakes and breads so if your close to Carson City, Michigan drop on by on Fridays to Harveys market this summer or before then drop me a line through the website

mini loafs of artisan bread made with coconut flour will be $5
angel food cake made with coconut flour $12
other ideas welcome so drop me a line

Monday, February 13, 2017

Gonna be a long week. Someone stole my somewhat comfortable chair leaving me the crappy one.... to sit in for 10 hours no lunch no breaks staring at a computer. I so bad need out of this office life.

Can you guys please share the site.. help us work our way out of work. Bedding plants/annuals, veggies plants, heirloom vegetables and fruits, hand made goat milk soap and lotions, art work, hand painted sign work, beef 1/4's starting 2018, pork and broiler chickens will be avail in 2017 but we need to have deposits on all. Should have reg. dairy goats (Nubian) for sale late sprng. Located central to Ionia, Greenville and Carson City, Michigan.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

need to find some inspiration for the day

Feeling..meh, blah not finding the inspiration on this day. I keep trying, over and over and over. There are literally MILLIONS of people online every single day.

Why can I not find ones that would support farm fresh heirloom foods and helping people create food for the local economy. Why is it all about what is cheapest. Why is it all about not sharing, not helping, not supporting. I get up at 5am, leave 5:45 drive to the city sit at a desk doing 15 hours of work in 10, drive back feed the wood stove, do chores, feed all the farm critters hoping for time to do something I enjoy but I'm just flat out to tired. All I want is to wake up and grow and raise food for others. But I need help to do that, nobody shares the site, nobody donates to the cause. nobody. is the site to share, to help promote, your online anyway, do something helpful today that will take you seconds, go look around, enjoy the art work, help give me the time to make more.

Monday, January 30, 2017

coffee for cows fundraiser ideas

#1 my career discourages breaks and lunches
#2 encourages overtime
#3 has no retirement, no pension
#4 causes me pain everyday and makes it so I can't do the things I enjoy.

I found my calling, it's cows...and goats.. and fresh heirloom produce and farm markets. I can do those things, ok I can do those things if I'm not in constant pain from being on a computer 10 hours a day making the tendons in my shoulders and my carpal tunnel so inflamed that I can't pick things up, can't carry what I need to, can't draw, can't paint. You get the jest. I thought of coffee for cows because it's something millions spend money on, waste money on. Just a fraction of that would get me to the work I'm meant for and out of the work I'm not meant for but have to do to pay the bills. I still have hope for that, that somehow some way I can reach enough people with compassion that would send $2,3 5 to end the office life and get me to raising beef and food.

This morning on my way in I thought, everyone loves chocolate covered coffee beans. What if I made some and used that as the fund raiser. Offered them up in small packages as an incentive to give to the cause of paying off the farm so we can end being gone all day and just focus on the farm. Would it work. I sure hope so, I hurt...every day. I can't close my hands, can't pick things up without dropping them. Can't lift the hay bales to feed the cows, can't lift the pails of grain or water. And I'm strong enough... it comes to not working those tendons injured day after day drafting.