Monday, December 21, 2015

sign work available hand painted direct from artist trying trying to get out of office

If you read back on the blog you know I struggle. I can paint all these things, people tell me oh how pretty. Oh should do that for a living. Um...I'm trying. trying. I need orders, my website shared, people to tell people, then I will GET TO do it....for a living. I don't charge any more for this an hour:
Than your average house painter does to paint the wall white...or tan...$20 an hour. I work on tiles, wood boards, walls, even my own Jeep. I paint on canvas, I draw charcoals on paper.
$20 an hour - but I need 32 hours of work a week to not have to commute into an office. I need the office to convince the bank to let us have our farm and shop yes. I need that as well, I'm good at what I do here, have been doing it 14 years. But it's a dull colorless life full of office politics. We are trying so very hard, oh how I wish I had those extra points to be able to do a regular commercial loan on the farm. But I don't, so I sit at a desk...and do my work, and pray everyday please let us have our farm. And pray everyday please let there be a customer base out there for me to make a living with.

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