Thursday, March 31, 2016

Christian Scripture signs 15% off with mention of the blog

Want a hand painted scripture sign for your home, office, a gift, yard? They will be hand painted in your choice of colors on wood and shipped to you. Mention this and get 15% off $17 an hour painting time plus shipping cost and cost of wood aside from a standard 1"x8"x 20-24" which would be included in price. Pick you favorite scripture and let me know what version you would like NLT, NIV, KJ etc. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

statue painting mid Michigan Hand Painted hand crafted sign work

Do you have a cow, pig or other critter out front of your farm that's looking a little under the weather? How about your sign - do people squint to read it when driving by? I can come out to your mid-Michigan location up to 40 miles from my Orleans home and fix ya back up - email details for a quote.
Landscape Art - the patio pavers below are hand painted to order or I have a few done up always, I can also help you design a one of a kind patio with a mural worked into it!! drop me a line

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

cost of living in America

Anyone that follows my art and blog knows I long...long to get out of the office. I had another office contact me about coming to them...for a $3 an hour pay cut. Herein lies the problem...Just the required insurances our country $10,960 a year. That is BEFORE you get to the house payment, heat, utilities, car, gas and food. And they want us to work..for nothing.
 This is what I'm good at - go check out the rest of the blog posts, there's lots to look at :-) Hand Painted Sign work is where I belong. Making landscapes unique and individual is where I belong. I need y'alls help though to get there, I need to find a landscape architect, landscape firm, pool and patio place that wants to team up during the week here in mid-Michigan 3-4 days a week and pick up sign work to do on the other days along with our fresh heirloom produce market we are trying to get going. Know someone that lives in Montcalm, Ionia, Clinton, Kent, Eaton counties - direct em on over to this blog or

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Monday, hope all had a good weekend, original sign work direct from artist

These make great gifts and can go on camper, cabin, office or anywhere you'd like, price based on $20 an hour plus materials and shipping an 8"x 20" with a name and simple decor is about $25 plus shipping and you get to chose your style of text for your name plus colors. If your in Michigan and would like custom patio/landscape stones check these out...they stay outside year round and can be incorporated into your patio in a place they won't be walked on to make it one of a kind :-)

Friday, March 25, 2016

new logo :-) design work available

They all decided around here the few scraps that were thrown my way should be enough and all focused on dirt bike racing, new bikes and watching videos. So I came up with this for our final design logo for the farm, off to printers for new biz cards for the summer. So very ready for market season and so very much hoping you all are sharing the site, blog and I can get the orders to work my way out of the office. Happy Easter all - John 3:17

Thursday, March 24, 2016

bullys...why is it the norm?

Why is it bullys are rewarded in the workplace and nice people end up last? I have things thrown at me, no explanation that are changes not on any of the 3 previous versions like I'm some kind of stupid idiot for not putting them in.... I missed mind reading 101, SORRY. And this is who was chose to lead our department. Ughhh I just want to create. The stones would be AMAZING in pool patios and landscapes. The charcoals go with any decor and just pop out I love them. But no, I'm stuck in an office that makes me feel like just walking out...but I can't, and I know I can't as I have to many bills. Need the income.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pool owners, landscape patio in your yard take a look if you are in Michigan

Do you have a stamped concrete, plain concrete or landscape stone patio around your pool or in your yard, these are on patio stones, and yes they can be incorporated into your design, they are made to leave out rain, snow, sleet, sun, ice you name it. We can come up with a mural or single stones to incorporate into your design. They can be installed right along with the rest of your patio and just have to be resealed each spring after the snow melts, not sure what or how to, we can discuss a flat rate for the hours it would take me to come out and do it each spring as well. If you live in Michigan drop me a line and we'll design you something NONE of your neighbors have to show off at your pool and patio parties this summer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I need outta here, please share the blog, site

The office depresses me, you get nothing but grumbling, bus throwing and crudeness - I need to be able to do this.....
I need to be able to signs, visual art, landscape pieces, I NEED to be able to pay my bills with is..or figure out a way to get them paid off so I can create and do my soaps, herbs, garden. 
Please share the site - and this blog to help it become a reality.

Monday, March 21, 2016

busy weekend

The Rose is done and a small bunny patio stone done as well - that one would ship, didn't get a pic yesterday with Easter dinner and birthday party but I will tonight. Had the 2 year old grandson this weekend, he decided I'm not Grandma....I'm Grammy lol. That works too - I do hope you all share the blog, the site, help me get just a portion of my views into orders and you will help me achieve my goal of working my way out of the office and just into art. Charcoal originals and prints for sale, small patio stones ship - of course I can do a variety of things on wood so just drop a line and ask!

Friday, March 18, 2016

share the site...drop me a line, and order a sign  Order a sign, charcoal, hand painted name sign for your camper, cabin or home today! Now is the time before the garden is in full swing and I'm out picking our heirloom produce to take to market! 

TGIF - still looking to replace the office with art, the cube for my art table

Thursday, March 17, 2016

signs, art, reusable market bags, charcoal originals, come look around

I'm hoping Saturday morning will bring about a little time to paint a couple of things for market, I'd like to get some more name signs on wood to add to photo album I'm GOING to get together...when I find time to dig out all the charcoals and get pictures in daylight. Leaving when it's dark and getting home in time to feed animals sure puts a damper on getting painting done. Share, share and help me get orders and purchases to get me out of the office, I need things to sell at market, and I need to somehow find my clientelle that still want hand painted direct from artist not wraps and prints off computers to work me out of work...because for some reason the house payment, insurances, bills just won't stop to allow me to build up more of a portfolio. I do have quite a bit in that case though that needs to be sold to give that boost up to make more...and sell more. The charcoals go with any decor and really are my favorites if I could find a market for 2-4 a month selling.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Give Mom flowers...that won't wilt

This one has a good start but isn't done...just posting to see if any interest in orders for Mothers Day - on landscape stones local to Ionia area...on wood anywhere in USA shipped. Give her some original artwork, pick your kind of flowers and drop me a line.

Always looking for hand painted sign work so I can build it up and get out of the 8-5 in front of a computer - pass along the blog...the website...and my facebook art page - - visual art for sale

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

good morning all :-)

I'd really like to be able to do the signs, landscape stones and charcoals in liu of office politics and stress. Help an artist out and share the link - If just a minute piece of this American population were to order, buy something already done I could replace this drafting income. I've done the numbers...being in engineering for 14 years numbers are a habit lol. It's like less than 0.25% ordering or buying an hours worth of work. That's a full time pay the bills income!  I have to find one batch yet but have both originals and prints for sale, framed or unframed. Sign work WELCOME, can be done on wood or a stone at your house if your local to me.

Don't forget about the bags - reusable, washable, soooo many uses, and your supporting art -

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday Monday

Hope all had a good weekend! We did a benefit for a friend whose wheelchair died (paraplegic) so no real time to work on next sign...but I did get a stone done :-) Orders are welcome always, still trying to get this off the ground and replace the office job. I am fighting an ear infection today so the computer screen and walking up and down and up and down the office stairs is gonna be NOT fun. Drop me a line through here or katehagerartist@yahoo for sign work discussion. yes the Bass is a patio stone, concrete painted :p

Friday, March 11, 2016

reusable bags, machine washable to buy these cool bags. Double stitched bags for the beach, school, shopping, market....reusable and washable with a few designs to choose from.

Art work too, not just signs :-)

I'm going through the art taking pics....and will be replacing and updating them as I get better ones. Trying to come up with prices that are competitive with others and shipping included within the USA -

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

goals written

OK written goals Sell (1) 18x24 charcoal, (1-2) 16x20 charcoals (20) landscape stones (1) acrylic painting per month

(6-8) classes of 10-12 kids each 3-4 days a week 

Know a home schooling group in mid Michigan near Greenville/Ionia/Carson City - have them contact me if interested in a teacher. I'd like to do classes 3 or 4 days a week, 1 1/2 to 2 hour classes meeting every other week for 40 weeks at a cost of $200 per child. I would come to the group location up to 35 miles from my home.
(1) batch goat milk soap 

farm/garden and market 2 days a week

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

that catch 22, but it will work :)

Working the full time job to pay bills and trying to get both businesses off the ground to replace that full time grandkids and a PUPPY lol. Tired but got a few stones started that will finish up this week. Looking forward to days of signs, art, garden and farm with NO OFFICE work taking up all day. Need the orders...or 5 numbers on the powerball...that would work too. Or donations by somebody just wanting to see a non-GMO farm up running and producing, yeah that be ok too. Drop on by the website and pass it along, the more it gets shared the more chance I have of working my way out of the office.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

design shops in mid- Michigan, local artist looking for work

My work isn't on a computer, it's all hand painted, hand drawn original one of a kind...but I also need an income unless you people start sending me sign work that is :-)
Aside from that I work as a draftsman - if your interested in that to follow.. But am looking to get out of the office and the life that goes with it. I'm open to working in a wrap shop, graphic design shop and let me artistic knowledge and skill help bring you new ideas and designs. I have to have a decent livable wage, right now I charge $20 an hour for my art and make $19 an hour drafting. Bills need to be paid and I am the wage earner in our family. Thus being said if you have work close to Greenville/Belding/Sheridan/Carson City - 34-40 hours a week drop me a line.