Thursday, March 17, 2016

signs, art, reusable market bags, charcoal originals, come look around

I'm hoping Saturday morning will bring about a little time to paint a couple of things for market, I'd like to get some more name signs on wood to add to photo album I'm GOING to get together...when I find time to dig out all the charcoals and get pictures in daylight. Leaving when it's dark and getting home in time to feed animals sure puts a damper on getting painting done. Share, share and help me get orders and purchases to get me out of the office, I need things to sell at market, and I need to somehow find my clientelle that still want hand painted direct from artist not wraps and prints off computers to work me out of work...because for some reason the house payment, insurances, bills just won't stop to allow me to build up more of a portfolio. I do have quite a bit in that case though that needs to be sold to give that boost up to make more...and sell more. The charcoals go with any decor and really are my favorites if I could find a market for 2-4 a month selling.

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