Wednesday, November 9, 2016

because cows are cute

Today is slow as always but the week is over halfway done. I'm still on the quest to replace the commute and cubicle with a #remotework #CAD job so if you hear of one pass it on over. Still on the quest to figure out a way to just pay off the farm and not need that income.. I have lots of flower seeds for sale and have them listed at 50 cents each, packs of 10. If you don't want 10, or want more than 10, I'm just asking you mail me the payment and a SASE to ship them back to you first class snail mail. I can do signs, art, have original charcoals for sale if your a collector. Oh so many packed away doing no good to no one. Wish I could sell about 15 of them, heck that would pay for our barn we need.

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