Monday, October 17, 2016

no coffee and don't use the bathroom...

That's kinda pushing it for a Monday I think. "supposed" to be back in "about" an hour....that was an hour ago, no sign yet. Caught up with what should have been done Friday while I was out so thought I'd catch y'all up for a bit.

 got #cad work? #illustrations - I just bought an old Illustrator 10.0 to do some of the too, I have SketchUp and DraftSight, would rent AutoCAD or Microstation with a W2 contract. Can do #art work, #logo work, drop me a line. Need, Need, Need get away from this commute morning and night.

 And back to drawing, painting, building, growing, working on the farm - need to make the payments, need it PAID OFF. Working best I can to work my way out of office and still be able to pay bills.

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