It took me an hour and a half this morning, to get to a job that could totally be done from a home office. Bumper to bumper like always, 70 in a 55, passing over yellow lines. To get to a job I say again, that could be done totally from a home office.
I don't have the "right connections" or "friends" according to the corporate world. I don't want to either from all I have witnessed in my life thus far. These are by far better options
What I need is a cad drafting job, from my own computer at my own desk at my own home. To save all those hours on the road. I know AutoCAD, I know Microstation, I have experience in SketchUp, I have DraftSight at home, wouldn't mind renting the big names...but with no job there can't afford to, for what?? I'm not there often enough to use it. I could save 12-14 hours in good weather, 15-20 in bad. That, my HUGE. That is time that could be spent on our heirloom produce farm instead of wasted, unpaid fighting the madness of commuting.
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