Monday, October 31, 2016

#HappyMonday - missing my #farm

Got two new dairy does this weekend, that was exciting :-) Lila and Lilly are all tucked in and doing well, we now have a nubian herd, 3 are purebred registered and one American. Husband is picking up more calves today and oh how I do wish I was there with him. Instead I fought traffic for 75 minutes to sit for an hour and a half "looking busy" cleaning desk, fiddling waiting for someone to come in like normal and say oh I have to figure out what we are going to do!! Donate your coffee money will ya to pay off the farm... I long to not drive in to the cube I do I do. The; sheer number of bloggers if shared could do it in a short short time. Just your coffee money for one day sent to the house, to pay off a farm and leave us time to build it correctly not in our spare time.

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