Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Anyone need a sign? No not on the state of disarray of our world...an actual...sign

An interesting article on my field I'm in.. until I can replace it with art, garden, signs, farm
http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2014/08/12/339638726/many-women-leave-engineering-blame-the-work-culture - a good read overall
 I can do sign work, logo work, design something cool and artistic for you. Need to get out of here. An hour and 20 minutes of commuting through accidents, traffic jams and construction in the rain to get to sit at a desk for 10 hours in an anti-female field then fight the traffic again heading back trying to stay alive for the most part. Just to pay bills, nothing else....just bills. Need y'alls help out of this...please please share the site. http://katehagerartist.com

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