Monday, August 8, 2016

weekend update - #farm market #art #signs

Dead end in sight. YOU can help though
Friday and Saturday markets went good, aside from the occasion sigh I think inside from people trying to impress ... on whom... by showing how much of the world they are. We got a good deal of fresh good food to a good deal of people, one landscape stone that had been ordered delivered as well.
On that note...this is where y'all come in. As I sat fishing for the first chance in a month to do ANYTHING for myself, and that was 2 hours. I have not one day in either July or August I don't have to be somewhere. Work Mon-Thurs 7-5 (not counting the commute) Friday market, Saturday market, Sunday church (at least with good people) and then the things everyone seems to think I have time for on top of those. Never, not one day to rest. Ever. Need the house and farm paid for - that can only come from the public that thinks my art work, and our heirloom farm, is worth an artist not sitting in a cubicle.

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