Just part of what I was reading - Recent studies have supported the idea that working from home – for the right people – can increase productivity and decrease stress. Research also suggests companies that encourage and support a work from home protocol actually save money in the long run; an added bonus on the employer side.
The tech industry is well known for its flexible schedules and telecommuting opportunities. Which makes sense considering most tech companies are web based and that technology is the greatest resource when working from home.
I am a tech..I am good at what I do. I'm a draftsman, I'm a designer. I can work in AutoCAD.... I can work in Microstation. I've touched on sketch up, seemed easy enough. I can convert a .dwg to a .dgn I can work in both platforms simutaneously if needed. I have done steel, stairs and ramps, office design, stadium risers, stages, utility work, as-builts, survey drawings, topo, ALTA, brought in points, played the dot to dots, written legal descriptions, worked in civil, parking lots yup done that, drainage ditches yup done that, detention ponds yup done that.
I actually don't mind the drafting part. What I hate is the 75 minutes each way of fighting traffic at 75 mph where if you get even 2 car lengths between you and the guy in front of you somebody is gonna cut in there. Two weeks ago I had a guy pass 7 cars, double yellow line going uphill. At 5:45am...yeah I'm sure he was headed to work too.
What I hate is sitting for hours on end waiting for someone to come up with something to do. Waiting for the engineer that the engineer your working for is waiting for to email them mark ups or specifications so you can start to do your work. Why pray tell can I not just do the work. When there is work, from my house. I don't need an office, I don't need cloth walled cubicle or people passing by watching. All I need...is the work. Why should I leave my home at 5:30am and get home at 6:30pm if there is only 6 hours of work for the day. Why can't I do that 6 hours....and spend the other 7 helping my child with homework, helping my husband with farm work, spending a couple of hours on a painting or drawing. Got 10 hours of work tmw, that's awesome I'll sit on my computer and do that 10. That is still 3 hours saved not having to commute.