Wednesday, September 28, 2016

afternoon pondering...

I wonder if people are resistant to freelance and remote work because they'd then have to "let everybody" do it. Opposed to flex schedules for the same reason? and why? Things that make ya go hmmmm.

I'm working on finding remote work to be home taking care of the animals that need me to take care of them. Right now I have a very sick probably won't make it sick. And here I sit 55 miles away in a cubicle. I can't check on her, can't medicate her, can't help keep her limber, move her muscles. I'm gone 13 hours, 10 of that is paid, but in that same work amount time, I could do all I needed to for her...and still log in 10 hours on the clock. I could WAY get done what I needed in nursing and chores in that 3 hours.
I could draft...and farm - all I need is a w2 contract from
my house.. I downloaded DraftSight today, it says it's compareable to
AutoCAD software, just a simpler line drawing capability. 
That would work for simple stuff.. and I don't mind renting the autocad
but would have to be compensated for it. I have health insurance (required by law) 
car insurance (required by law) house insurance (required or bank takes the house)
and then of course the house payment...feed for the animals
lights are nice, heat...especially in Michigan like 6 months of the year
I'm just asking do bills really per hour - asking $25
per hour since I pay own insurance, internet, computer

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