Tuesday, September 27, 2016

many many hats, need remote work to go with them

Today's dilemma my goat is super sick, needs me there, needs an IV being run (yes I can do this myself) - I'm stuck in a cubicle, no work of course but I have to come in and sit. She may or may not live with what she has...but she'd have a whole lot better chance if I had a home office where I could run out give her fluids, meds and not be gone 13 hours.
This little girl may...or may not pull through, it's in God's hands now although we are doing everything we can for her... being gone like I said this long with no one at home, puts the odds against her. I am good at what I do and wear many many hats. If I was working remote with a flex schedule, well you know. Help me get there for the rest of the animals on the farm. 14 years autocad, 6 months microstation, artist, logo work, illustrations and hand painting (not on the computer) I can do a lot really.

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