Thursday, September 22, 2016

#art signs #gifts and more - looking for #remote work as well

Need a logo? I can do that, A hand painted Sign, I can do that, A drawing or painting of your pet, yup I can do that too. Or a topo drawing for your surveying firm done on AutoCAD, yeah that's me too.

I can wear many hats and change them often, it's not a problem.
People stopping in the road, passing multiple people uphill
on a double yellow line. That's a problem. Going 75mph and
getting passed in the 2 car length spot ya left. That's a problem.
Driving 75 minutes to sit in a cube to log onto the internet to work
That's a problem. Driving that 75 minutes back home ...that's 2 1/2 hours a day on the road on top of 10 hours in the office- to get back to the farm....where I should be working but it doesn't pay the bills...there is no reason for it. I don't need a thumb on my back all day, I am GOOD at what I do, I can be just left to - do it. Work when there is work to do, work on my own art and heirloom farm when there isn't.

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