Thursday, September 8, 2016

easier simpler website...did a revamp yesterday to de clutter

Hope y'all like it. It was slow just about every day has been for two weeks lolol. So I thought I would work on my OWN business...that I'm trying to build to get out of this j.o.b. I don't mind working, actually don't mind drafting, wouldn't mind doing it when I had time on a laptop at all for income but nobody wants that. They want you in a cubicle where they can "keep an eye on you" and "make sure your working!!" If you meet the deadlines what is the difference I ask? We sit 2/3 of the day with nothing right now and you don't mind paying out an hourly wage for that...but don't trust we'd bill what we actually worked at home. Really??? Just flat out makes no sense.
 Sign work is $20 an hour plus materials and shipping, visual art, charcoals
hand painted work, scripture signs, mural work when I get the time and
of course working our heirloom produce farm, raising cows, goats, rabbits
chickens and making soap - that is the goal!! Help me achieve it

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