Wednesday, September 14, 2016

halfway through the week, positive thoughts, it's gonna happen!!!

It's gonna happen, the farm will get to the point to pay for itself between the goat milk soap, hand made lotions, my ART work - I will find my customers who want hand painted sign work over mass printed commercial corporate. And someday when I'm home and not fighting this traffic...
I'm going to be able to do charcoals, airbrushing and maybe even finally learn to weld and do sculpture work!!! It will, I just have to keep posting, putting up ads and someone will happen upon them and share them and it will take off. And I will be rid of the cubicle life forever :-) The hand painted sign work is what I'd like to make my base with the soaps and lotions and gift baskets seasonal. Go check out

and yes these are drawings....done by me. Back when I was
laid off.. no time now to do them, so many good
ideas, no time. Most of these have the originals
sitting in a canvas hard case in our storage
room. They belong framed up on someone's wall
We will put some up, but really I'd like to see
them at a collectors, a gallery, somewhere appreciated.

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